Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Three Presidents Email

I received an email yesterday regarding three presidents that deported illegal Mexicans. You can read it here...;read=148394

The email explains that the reason for this was to create jobs for the unemployed American citizens.

Will deportation suddenly create a wave of unemployed Americans to suddenly go back to work? Certainly not! It's not the illegals that are prohibiting people from going back to work. It's that people have grown accustomed to working for higher wages. The illegals are willing to work the jobs that our citizens refuse to do. They are willing to work and ours citizens are not! Do we have a problem with illegals in this country? Yes, we certainly do, but not when it comes to taking our jobs from us. If they are here to work, then they are being productive in our society and our standard of living will go up. Think about Robinson Caruso. When he got stranded on an island he had to hunt and farm for food, get wood for a fire, up-keep his shelter, and many other tasks. That's a lot of work for one person. Then along comes Friday and immediately his living standard went up. Why? because they could divide the work. By dividing the work they could create more free time to creating capital goods and for more leisure. The same applies to society and an economy as a whole. So, if the illegals want to come to this country and work and be productive, then by all means let them come.

In a free society (That is what we are right?) there is a job for everyone. Unemployment is a choice. The person who is unemployed values their free time more than they value working. If the person has saved his money, and can afford to do this, then I have no problem with this choice. If the person is doing this because he is getting "unemployment benefits", then I do have a problem with it. Why? Because the government is confiscating money from me to give to someone who refuses to go back to work for less pay. It's the fact that we have unemployment benefits that allows for the high unemployment we have. Take away this benefit and the person who is unemployed has to put food on the table. How will they do this? BY GOING BACK TO WORK! When we work we trade our labor for money, which we then use to buy the things we need. DON"T MAKE ME PAY FOR THEIR NEEDS.... Make them pay for their needs!

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